mobilization tools — Articles — The Traveling Team

mobilization tools

25 Ways to Mobilize

25 Ways to Mobilize

A mobilizer is someone who has a passion for the world and a passion to pass it on. Mobilization is coming alongside the work of God in someone’s life to transform their heart towards the things of God’s heart. If we desire to finish the Great Commission and see Jesus worshipped among every tribe, tongue, people, and nation, then mobilization must happen.



Each year, no less than 200,000 sincere, dedicated people contact mission agencies asking about possible service. But the heartbreaking news is that less than 1,000 will ever make it to the field. Why? There is no one to nurture and guide and equip them to complete the process. In other words, the workers are plentiful, but the mobilizers are few!

Every World Christian a Mobilizer

Every World Christian a Mobilizer

Everyone can multiply their life and mobilize others for reaching the world.  

Every Christian a World Christian

Every Christian a World Christian

Take steps to connect the dots between your life and the mission of God. 

Bringing Missions into Your Large Group Meeting

Bringing Missions into Your Large Group Meeting

Here are fourteen ideas for bringing a global vision into your weekly large group meeting.

Bringing Missions into Small Groups

Bringing Missions into Small Groups

Here are thirteen great ideas to get your small group thinking about God's global mission.

Training Vision Casters to Duplicate Themselves

Training Vision Casters to Duplicate Themselves

Multiply yourself as a mobilizer by teaching this simple tool to others.

Training Vision Casters for God’s Work

Training Vision Casters for God’s Work

Train others to develop world Christians around them through a few simple steps.

Training Vision Casters for God’s World

Training Vision Casters for God’s World

Help train others to explain the unreached world today.

Training Vision Casters for God’s Word

Training Vision Casters for God’s Word

Train someone to share what the bible has to say about reaching all nations with others.