Training Vision Casters to Duplicate Themselves — The Traveling Team

Training Vision Casters to Duplicate Themselves


The World Vision illustration puts all that you are learning together in a simple and reproducible way. It will be helpful as you mobilize others and a valuable tool for you to pass on to the person you are training to mobilize. Remember, your job is simply to train another person to share with others what God’s Word says, what God’s World looks like, and how to engage in God’s Work. That’s it. Teaching them the World Vision illustration is a great way to package it all on one page. That’s something they can take and run with.


This one is straightforward. Teach someone the World Vision. Here are some steps.

Print Read a Step-by-Step How To  and walk through it.

Watch our quick five-minute video on how to share the World Vision then teach someone to share it.


Sound Byte

Chris, Mike, and Curtis from Iowa State University learned to share this illustration from The Traveling Team staff. They soon developed a vision for getting this message in front of the 1,000 students involved in their ministry through their small groups. They formed a team of mobilizers that trained each small group leader in how to share the World Vision. They asked them to share it with everyone in their small group that semester at some point. This ministry now regularly sends out teams of students to several areas of the 10/40 Window, reaches out to international students faithfully, and has a culture of missions engagement that saturates their ministry. Through a simple training and tool they have fanned the flames of missions across their entire group.