Articles — The Traveling Team

Steve Shadrach

Master, Mission, Mate: Find Just the Right Leader, Labor, & Lover in Life

Master, Mission, Mate: Find Just the Right Leader, Labor, & Lover in Life

If there’s some possession, pursuit, or passion that we have not subjugated under His rule we dare not call ourselves a true Jesus follower.

Goer, Sender, Mobilizer, and Welcomer

Goer, Sender, Mobilizer, and Welcomer

What role are you called to play in God's global mission?  Discover four that any Christian can do. 



Each year, no less than 200,000 sincere, dedicated people contact mission agencies asking about possible service. But the heartbreaking news is that less than 1,000 will ever make it to the field. Why? There is no one to nurture and guide and equip them to complete the process. In other words, the workers are plentiful, but the mobilizers are few!