mission theme in the old testament — Articles — The Traveling Team

mission theme in the old testament

The Global Thread Through Scripture

The Global Thread Through Scripture

Discover how this grand theme of global mission weaves its way from Genesis to Revelation.

People Groups Israel Came Across in the Old Testament

People Groups Israel Came Across in the Old Testament

Ever wonder what diverse people groups Israel ran into in the Old Testament.  Look at this quick survey of their interactions with the nations. 

Tower of Babel

Tower of Babel

When you let go of your security systems, you get free of anxiety and begin living in anticipation. Find significance in who you are in God. Let go of superficial ambitions for small-time recognition and acceptance. Join Abraham in being a blessing to the nations of earth. You may find yourself blessing others as a missionary. You may never leave your home, you may preach to thousands, you may touch your neighborhood with kindness. There's no larger life possible.

Genesis to Revelation: God's Heart for the World

Genesis to Revelation: God's Heart for the World

Gain a quick overview of the story of God's mission from the beginning of the Bible to the end.

Missions in Psalms

Missions in Psalms

A missions bible study through the book of Psalms.