mission theme in the new testament — Articles — The Traveling Team

mission theme in the new testament

The Global Thread Through Scripture

The Global Thread Through Scripture

Discover how this grand theme of global mission weaves its way from Genesis to Revelation.

Acts 1:8, Another View

Acts 1:8, Another View

"Why would you want to go to Asia when there are so many needy people right around here?" So reasoned my non-Christian friend as I explained that I would be going to Thailand soon to do missions work. This was some years back, but I still remember watching the concerned expression on his face. He really thought he'd made a tremendous point. 

Jesus & Missions

Jesus & Missions

As we look at the life of Christ it should be abundantly clear that the Lord Jesus did not drop the 'Great Commission' on the apostles like a bolt out of the blue. He gave them ample warning.

Genesis to Revelation: God's Heart for the World

Genesis to Revelation: God's Heart for the World

Gain a quick overview of the story of God's mission from the beginning of the Bible to the end.