I know of no greater vehicle God is using in America today to stir the hearts of young leaders for the Great Commission. As I travel abroad and speak with missionaries, I always ask them, "How did God get a hold of you for the purpose of reaching other countries for Christ?" If I only had a dollar for every time someone said, "Have you ever heard of The Traveling Team?"
Kyle & Jayne Wenig
"The Traveling Team helped provide incredible momentum to our campus ministry and we saw many students respond to the challenge of becoming World Christians. We are so thankful for how the biblical explanation for world missions was creatively and passionately shared."
Kyle & Jayne Wenig, AIA staff at Mizzou
Nathan Buxman
We continue to have The Traveling Team come back regularly and speak with our students. They share God's heart for ALL people in a way that compels the students to believe that they have a part in the Great Commission. Each time, we have had several students participate with us in global missions and gain such a valuable perspective. We are very thankful for The Traveling Team!