Articles — The Traveling Team

Dr. Todd Ahrend

Understanding Islam

Understanding Islam

In 1978, historian Michael Hart wrote a book entitled, The One Hundred: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History. Translated into over fifteen languages, Hart stirred controversy by giving the honor of Most Influential Person in History to Muhammad. He states, “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both religious and secular levels.”[1] Who was this man that one out of every four people in the world see as the final prophet of God?[2]

Packing like a Pro

Packing like a Pro

How to pack for your mission trip like a pro.  Ten killer tips from Todd Ahrend.

The Goal

The Goal

As mobilizers, what is it that we want students to do? Cross an ocean? Reach out to internationals? Pray for the world? These all are great things, however, we do not want to mobilize students to a single activity.

Most Commonly Heard Excuses Not to be a Missionary

Most Commonly Heard Excuses Not to be a Missionary

Todd Ahrend discusses the major excuses and reason that people give for why they cannot themselves go as missionaries to the unreached.