Valerie’s Story
When it comes to missions, you’ve probably heard that the person you marry can make or break you. Sounds a little dramatic, right? And on top of that, it seems like the people who are always saying that are the ones who have incredible Christ-centered marriages anyways. So when it comes down to it, what do they really know?
But what if someone told the other side of the story? Not the “make” side, but the “break” side? Would it change how you date? Would it change who you date?
A number of years ago at The Traveling Team, we had a woman write in to tell us her story. Read her words below as she explains the real cost of “settling.”
“I just wanted to let you know I came across your website today. At eighteen, I spent a summer in student missions and knew at the end of that summer that God wanted me in missions work - but then I met “a guy” and basically sold God out just to get married. I am now forty-one and have regretted that decision in so many ways. Please keep telling young people that the day to minister for Christ is TODAY - not tomorrow or next semester or next year. And tell them to never, ever, ever let any person or any thing deter you from the mission that God has placed in your heart. I am speaking from experience.