The Go Fund
The GO Fund exists to accelerate Christian disciple-making among the unreached by eliminating the barrier of student debt for qualified missionaries. The Go Fund Pays 100% Of Student Debt For Approved Missionaries.
Student Debt Stops Missionaries.
Degrees are Key - 60% of the unreached live in countries that are closed to missionaries but are open to college graduates.
Debt is Real - Real tuition costs have grown 2-3x since 1990.* Today, 56% of graduates have $28,800 in student debt.
Missionaries are Stuck - Most missions sending agencies have a student debt limit of $20k for aspiring missionaries.
The Go Fund exists to help long-term, qualified missionaries get to the mission field by paying their student debt.
At The Go Fund, we believe you have two options. You go or you send. For many of us, we send. We believe that the act of sending is no less sacrificial than going.
William Carey, the Father of modern missions, was preparing to sail to India and realized that he couldn’t do it alone. If he was going to reach the unreached, he needed to be well supported by people back home - through prayer and giving. Before leaving for India, William Carey told his good friend Andrew Fuller, “I will go down into the pit, if you will hold the ropes.”
Goers can’t go if senders don’t send. When you send, you are a holding the ropes so that others can go.
At The Go Fund, a Ropeholder is a monthly financial supporter who helps send by eliminating the barrier of student debt for missionaries working among the unreached.
When you become a Ropeholder, you join a community of people passionate about sending more missionaries to the hardest to reach places in the world with the gospel.