history — Articles — The Traveling Team


The Glory of the Impossible

The Glory of the Impossible

The size of the missionary task is also it's greatest attraction.  We are draw to live in a story that is bigger than ourselves.

The Changing Face of World Missions - The Global Context

The Changing Face of World Missions - The Global Context

Discover the changes that are occurring in global mission in the 21st Century and your part in the purpose of God.

The Changing Face of World Missions - The Strategic Context

The Changing Face of World Missions - The Strategic Context

The changing world has brought about changes in how we use money and technology to serve God's global purpose well. 

Women in Missions

Women in Missions

Discover some of the great women in history that God has used to further his mission into the world.  

Rescue Station at the Gates of Hell

Rescue Station at the Gates of Hell

Read the quotes and writings of C.T. Studd, one of history's most inspiring missionaries.  

Amy Carmichael’s Dream

Amy Carmichael’s Dream

Then I saw more streams of people flowing from all quarters. All were blind, stone blind; all made straight for the precipice edge.

Samuel Zwemer

Samuel Zwemer

Discover the life of Samuel Zwemer, first missionary to the muslim world, in this short two-page biography of his life.  

Count Zinzendorf

Count Zinzendorf

Discover the life of Count Zinzendorf, leader of the Moravian missions movement, in this short two-page biography of his life.