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The Harvest is Plentiful, the Laborers are Few

The Harvest is Plentiful, the Laborers are Few

Every Christian should live life with an open Bible and an open map.

Obligation of a Generation to Evangelize the World

Obligation of a Generation to Evangelize the World

We took an article by John Mott from 100 years ago about the technology and resources of the church to reach the world and compared it with that is available today.  

Growth of the Church

Growth of the Church

Christianity is the single fastest growing religion in the world. For example, in AD 100 there were 360 non-believers for every believer. Today, there are only nine non-believers for every believer, and only four of those non-believers are from unreached people groups.



The top five most persecuted countries in the world according to Open Doors International are North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Maldives, and Bhutan.



According to Todd M. Johnson and the World Christian Encyclopedia, from AD33 to 1914 24 million Christians died for their faith.  Just since AD1915 an additional 45 million Christians died for their faith in Christ.  This means that more Christians were martyred in the 1900s than all the previous centuries combined.

Reaching the Whole World

Reaching the Whole World

The issue is not whether we have sufficient people or resources. The issue is where we choose to invest them. Will the Church continue to invest the vast majority of it’s resources inward? Or will we choose to obey, direct our resources and people toward God’s purposes for all nations?

What is a People Group?

What is a People Group?

When God gives you a task, it is infinitely important that you know the definition of the task. God has promised to reach all the nations of the earth and commissioned us as His ambassadors in that work. In order to be good stewards of this mission we must have a firm grip on the extent of the task, which, in the work of world missions, brings us to look closely at the terms that the Bible uses for the task. Namely, what does it mean to reach the nations?