A Short Missions Bible Study
Read Genesis 11:1-9
What was man's main reason to build the city and not scatter over the face of the earth?
Why did the Lord want them to scatter? (See Gen. 1:28 and Gen. 9:1)
What was the result of man's disobedience?
Read Genesis 12:1-4
What did God command Abram (Abraham) to do?
What did God promise He would give Abram (Abraham) if he obeyed?
Read Genesis 26:1-5 and Genesis 28:10-15
How did this promise continue on to Abraham's descendants?
Read Deuteronomy 4:5-6
Why did God give His people the 10 Commandments?
Read Joshua 2:9-10
How did the nations respond to God parting the Red Sea?
Read 1 Kings 4:29-34
Why did God give Solomon wisdom? What did God get?
Read Daniel 3:28-4:3
How did the King Nebuchadnezzar respond to God rescuing Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the furnace?
Read Daniel 6:25-28
How did King Darius respond to God rescuing Daniel from the lion's den?
What does Jesus have to say about the nations?
John 3:16 =
Matthew 24:14 =
Luke 24:46-47 =
Mark 16:15 =
Acts 1:8 =
What was Paul's ministry philosophy?
Romans 10:14-15 =
Romans 15:20-21 =
Read Revelation 5:9
What is significant about this passage and how does it relate to the promise God gave to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-4
How should God's heart for the world affect our lives as Christians?
How can we cultivate a heart for the world?