How To Share The Gospel
The thing we know we should do, but don’t know where to start. Nobody wants to be that “hellfire-and-brimstone” guy, but then again, just “letting your light shine” leads people to believe you are a really nice person, but doesn’t necessarily lead them to Christ. So where’s the middle ground?
One helpful way to strike the balance between the two is by learning a few gospel-sharing tools. Gospel-sharing tools are clear ways of summing up the good news of Jesus, often by using a visual or a few key verses. They are good for many different situations, from sharing with a stranger on an airplane to sharing with your roommate. Of course, the tools don’t automatically produce new converts; only God by His Spirit has that power. But they give the Holy Spirit material to convict from, and they can at least create grounds for further spiritual conversations.
Below we’ve listed a few links to several different gospel-sharing tools. This is not a definitive list, by any means. But it’s a great place to start. Remember, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have; but do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).
3 Circle Life Conversation Guide: This is a great tool you can write out on something as small as a napkin. It’s easy-to-learn, and it provides a great jumping off point for further spiritual conversation.
Cru Outreach Strategies: Cru, a campus ministry that has decades of evangelism experience, has a whole webpage with over 50 ideas and tools to help you start sharing the gospel now.
Dscplwrx: This website is full of gospel-sharing tools, and also has great short Bible studies to go through with non-believers or very new believers. The creator, Bob Walz, is on staff with Navigators. The Bridge Diagram, under “Evangelism Resources,” is a particularly simple yet powerful tool to learn!
3 Apps to Share Your Faith: Curated by Cru, this page gives 3 apps you can download today to use with anyone from your roommate to an international student on your campus (even if they aren’t proficient in English!).
Mark Cahill Ministries: Mark Cahill is a gifted evangelist and publishes a number of short gospel tracts that you can either walk someone through or can even leave in someone’s hands after sharing the gospel with them. You can order those tracts through his website.
By Jessie S